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Ensuring accessible healthcare and mental health services, particularly in rural communities. Promotion of 988 mental health hotline.

Veterans' Rights

Advocating for improved VA healthcare reform. Increased mental healthcare for vets and the promotion of the veteran suicide hotline. Restoration of respect for our service members and their families.

Reduced Taxes

Advocate eliminating the grocery sales tax, which would benefit low- and middle-income families by making essentials more affordable without impacting municipalities.

Safe Borders

Oklahoma is facing an increase in illegal immigration. It is vital to protect our borders and advocate for the rights of the individual states to defend themselves.

Caring for Oklahoma Families

Protecting the sanctity of the family unit and advocating for family rights. Striving for more affordable housing and improved job opportunities. Increased safety in our schools.

Reducing Homelessness

Homelessness is a complex problem. Our homeless neighbors need an environment that promotes self-growth, not just government handouts. Homeless in Oklahoma need increased affordable housing and mental health resources. 

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